this is a typical warung (corner store, sometimes a restaurant). there are millions of them around bali. the bottles on the right contain petrol, so refueling your scooter is a piece of cake. two liters (around half a gallon) costs $1.10USD.
brenda is the champion of green smoothies. they are my favourite way to start the day. and nayou’s as well!
it rained for two days straight last week. just when cabin fever was about to set in, the weather granted us a reprieve and we went out and shot some photos in the rice paddies around our house.
these huts are scattered around the paddies for the workers to store their stuff and to rest in.
shiva stands guard over our pool.
nayou finds lots of these adorable froggies in our house.
street art.
kadek got some chickens for pets. unfortunately the poor chicks’ feathers have been dyed purple, pink, green and blue. they’re not exactly compassionate towards animals around here…