Happy Birthday darling sister! Hope you had a great birthday on the day! I tried to call you a couple of times, but no answer, so we are sending you birthday wishes via the internet. Look for a little something in the mail from us! xoxoxoxox
Monthly Archives: September 2011
the unbearable cuteness of being
i was kind-of-sort-of-not-really naughty today. i took the morning off work so i could have a little family time amidst the suck that is overtime. actually it wasn’t naughty at all, it was amazing. hehehe. i was partly motivated by the fact that today was nayou’s last gymbaroo class with noelene, the lady that runs it. over the course of the last few months nayou has really grown attached to her, which is something he does very rarely to people. the gymbaroo franchise changed owners and so noelene got let go, which is kind of a bummer, but i guess you can’t fight change. this morning’s gymbaroo was the last one with noelene, and i’ve been wanting to see what it was all about so it seemed like a good idea.
the classes are really short – about an hour each – and quite structured. there is some free-for-all anarchy but its mostly short activities like dancing and show-n-tell and the like. it was great to see nayou so animated! since i really only get to see him for extended periods of time on sundays right now i am noticing big changes in him much more. his stamina and strength has gone up considerably lately. before we would always leave the house with the buggy or the scooter because he would get tired, but these days he practically sprints 900m (almost 3,000ft) uphill from our house to kings cross station. and that’s for a warm up. he likes to climb, balance and jump on/off stuff as well. sometimes its like watching toddler parkour.
i took lots of video to share with you 🙂 i just watched the video and realised that the editing makes it look like noelene ignores nayou a bit, but i just want to say that its totally not the case! she is really awesome with him… nayou wouldn’t be all over her if she wasn’t!