costa rican spanish is pretty different from mexican spanish. there are a lot of colloquialisms that have been both confusing and amusing. our favourite one is “queque” which means “cake”. we encountered it in the lobby of our hotel in san jose, and have been in love ever since. so much so that we decided to make a song about it!
Tag Archives: music
stay fresh!
ooooh yeah its been a long time since i’ve written anything on here. after linking brenda’s instagram account to the blog, everything kind of went on hiatus while we went about our lives in vancouver. i’m not even going to bother attempting to summarise the last two-ish years, except to say that they have been fun. we are about ten days away from our next adventure – three months in costa rica – so i thought it was the right moment to resurrect somewhatslanted.
and what better way to kick things off than with some music! most of you probably already know this, but our family has a band called “the naked bananas”, and we just released our second album last month. click here to stream it in all its glory! that’s the album cover below.
but wait, it doesn’t end there! we also have a video for our song 6-6-36-46. ch-ch-check it out and we’ll be back shortly!
The Naked Bananas
its been a hot minute since i last posted anything, but its not because i’ve been lazy. in fact, for the last few weeks we have been busy working on our debut album! yes, you heard that right – the three of us, with the addition of the lovely sophia from next door, have formed a band. we are called “the naked bananas”, and our debut album was completed tonight. its been a lot of fun making these songs, and i think that shows through in the music. we’re very excited to share it with you! enjoy 🙂
if the player below isn’t working for some reason, you can click here to get all our songs 🙂
[bandcamp width=400 height=406 album=2229279811 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 artwork=small]