

last weekend we hopped in our trusty honda and made our way up north to whistler mountain. a couple of friends from sayulita live up there so we took them up on their invite for a visit. it took us less than two hours to get up there, but it felt like a world away. the air was crisp, the snow line was creeping down and the area had that quiet, mountain calm about it.

nayou has been excited about having a snowball fight, but unfortunately there wasn’t quite enough for a full on battle. we still made some and threw them around though!

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nayou had loads of fun with the little bits of ice and snow that was around. i can’t wait until the winter when we can play all sorts of games in piles of snow. this will be our first winter in over four years… and nayou’s first snowy one. can’t wait!


it was a gorgeous sunny day on sunday so we went for a hike around lost lake. maybe its because we’ve been in beach-y areas for so long but i am loving big old trees and the peaks and valleys. its pretty easy to be blown away by the nature around here.



it was good to see our friends again too. having a ready made group of friends in the area has been a big plus for us settling in. especially ones as cool as these! bex is a kiwi that we met on the beach in sayulita way back in 2010. she’s been living up in whistler for the last five years. and vasant is a physiotherapist who we spent some time with in mexico earlier this year. he has done some work with brenda and her knee with amazing results. he is a bit of a wizard when it comes to fixing bodies!

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as a matter of course we busted out the fishing gear!

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and i flashed some skin:


we have another adventure coming up this weekend as we travel to seattle. watch this space for an update!