here we are, rushing headlong into mid-july. where did the first half of 2010 go?! i swear time is accelerating. my contract at dr. d is up at the end of september, although they will almost certainly extend it for another month. our lease is up at the beginning of december as well. all of this means that its time to start thinking about what our next move is going to be. brenda and i have weighed up several options, and for now its looking like we will be heading to bali for a couple of months. so many friends from all walks of life have recommended bali to us, and given its proximity to australia it seems like a natural choice. the more i read about the place, the more i want to go.
there is a place in bali called desa seni, which is this gorgeous eco-resort with an emphasis on yoga, organic farming and community integration. they attract master yoga teachers from around the world, and their director of yoga, tara judelle, is amazing. desa seni has a three month resident teacher program, where you teach yoga and become part of the community they have there. the opportunity to teach and practice yoga with these amazing teachers, not to mention live in a community like that, probably doesn’t come up very often. however, the application form is a bit daunting – it says that most teachers have between 5-13 years teaching experience (i have 4), and they have probably been teaching full time for most of those years (i haven’t). it definitely brings up some insecurities i have as a yoga teacher 🙂
still, you never know until you try. and in the interest of promoting myself, i did something i have been meaning to do for ages – create a website to present myself as a yoga teacher. it was a fun process to get back into designing with flash after all these years, and i am pretty satisfied with the final result. so click on over and have a gander:!