I just started taking Nayou to the parkour gym and he loves to practice his jumping at home on the arm chair. By brendaJanuary 1, 2014Canada, Uncategorized, Vancouver
And then there was a little bit of this! By brendaJanuary 1, 2014Canada, Uncategorized, Vancouver 1 Comment I love how soft the moss makes everything look By brendaJanuary 1, 2014Canada, Uncategorized, Vancouver I love the way people decorate their trees for Christmas By brendaJanuary 1, 2014Canada, Uncategorized, Vancouver Sweet happy face and fresh air ️ By brendaJanuary 1, 2014Canada, Uncategorized, Vancouver New Year's Day bike ride By brendaJanuary 1, 2014Canada, Uncategorized, Vancouver
I love the way people decorate their trees for Christmas By brendaJanuary 1, 2014Canada, Uncategorized, Vancouver