out and about
there are just under three weeks left before we pack up yet again and move to cape town for the remainder of the shoot. i think chances are slim that we’re ever going to be in this corner of the globe again so we have been busy squeezing in trips to see as much of namibia as we can. a couple of weekends ago i went on a man-trip with some friends down to sossusvlei. its about a five hour drive from swakopmund along very bumpy gravel roads.
sossusvlei is famous for its huge red sand dunes which look stunning against the white salt pans that dot the landscape. combine that with blue skies and you have one of the most photographed landscapes in the world.
we arrived on saturday afternoon in scorching heat. it was way too hot to do any desert activities so we followed the advice of the lodge owner and went to this great little water hole to cool off.
we also snuck in a sundowner drive to see some of the scenery.
the next day we got up early and climbed up big daddy, a 325m high sand dune which is one of the largest in the world. it was definitely an intense climb, all the more so because we were the first ones up. blazing a trail up a sand dune is no easy feat! on the other hand, sprinting down one of its steepest faces into deadvlei was so easy! hehe.
i couldn’t resist getting bodie to snap some yoga photos in deadvlei for me. i think they turned out amazing!
last week brenda and nayou went to spitzkoppe fir a four day camping trip. i stayed at home and held down the fort while they had many adventures climbing rocks and looking for gems. the photos from that trip are on a friends’ camera so we’ll post some as soon as we get them!
in the meantime here are some snaps from a sunset horseback ride we did on sunday. my rear end was hurting the next day but nayou and brenda rode like pros.