the beginning of our european adventures
on monday evening we bid a sad farewell to epito and epita. after three weeks of lounging around and eating like royalty, it was time to pack up our bags and head on over to see the other set of grandparents. thank you epitos for a wonderful time and for your generosity! i hope we can hang out again soon 🙂
the flight over there was really painless. we got bumped up to that weird class in between economy and business and enjoyed lots of extra leg room, although the stupid arm rests didn’t move which meant that we couldn’t get that comfortable. we hung out for five hours in heathrow airport checking out the planes and taking naps. i was dreading the long layover in london, but that new terminal 5 in heathrow is great. they even have cool benches that are perfect for dozing. we even found a place that served fresh fruit smoothies, albeit at around $7USD a pop! from heathrow is was a short trip to geneva and we were safe and tired in our new temporary home before we knew it. nayou was a rockstar the whole way, not complaining or crying a single time. he has really turned into a world class traveller and its fun to see him get so excited about planes and the various vehicles that service them.
the dreaded jetlag hasn’t been all that bad either. the last time we were here nayou was seven months old and it was a complete bitch getting him back on track with his sleeping. this time around he’s been tired, but has been adjusting with minimal hassle. in fact, its brenda and i who are waking up in the wee hours of the morning!
we’ve been here for three days and they have all been pretty jam packed. my mum has been stocking up on toys for weeks before nayou’s arrival, tempting him over skype. upon arrival he immediately wanted to know where they were and wasted no time getting right into them.
nayou has also been spending lots of time in my parents’ garden, which is actually very impressive. there are potatoes, sweet peas, strawberries, raspberries and all kinds of good stuff to eat. all this time in the sun is also good for his circadian rhythms!
yesterday we took it easy and wandered around the village. we stopped in a barn to feed some cows, and nayou nearly peed his pants when one of them mooed right in his face. it was funny (and kind of sad) to see him jump so high.
in the evening we packed up a picnic and hung out by the lake. the local brass band was giving a concert there, but unfortunately it wasn’t that impressive. the food was excellent though!